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Can Tho to Phnompenh
by public transportation

If  you need to travel to Phnompenh, you can travel travel directly from Can Tho by bus OR stay one night in the border Chau Doc.


Please read the information below if you are searching for the options.


Can Tho to Phnompenh - directly by bus

Departure time: 5.30 A.M (in the early morning so you will need to leave from our place at 4.30 A.M)

Departure place in Can Tho: 91B bus station

Arrival time in Phnom Penh: 11h30

Price: roughly USD 30 per person (we can help to call and check for your tickets)

We can book the tickets for you and you will pay at the bus station on the departure day.


Can Tho to Chau Doc by car/bus + Chau Doc to Phnompenh


  • By public bus (3 hours for the bus, not including the time from/to the bus station)

    • We would like to recommend Futabus (Phuong Trang bus)

    • Departure time: roughly every 2 hours (from 10 A.M.)

    • Price:  approx. VND 120,000 per ticket (it can be higher during National holidays)

    • You can update the price and time schedule through their website

    • How to book: have bus book (no commission) or make an online booking through their website.

  • By private car (3 hours)

    • Otherwise, you can take a private car to Chau Doc and stay one night here. You check the price of the private transfer on our website.



In this case, you need to sleep in Chau Doc because the boat leaves at 7h30 in the morning.

We hope this information helps you plan your journey and wish you a safe and enjoyable trip with Green Village Mekong.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to:

- email us at OR

- WhatsApp us at +84947224467.

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